6 easy ways to settle down in your custom home
Now that you have acquired your new home and it’s ready to move in, the next challenge for you is to settle down in the new custom home. Once you move into the place, the real battle of unloading and unpacking all the items begins - stacking and arranging things at their right places and so on. During the initial days, accepting and living in a new place might be an emotionally and physically draining activity. Here are some quick tips to plan and make the transition from the old home to new home smooth -
- Know the place prior to moving in
Make sure to know the place beforehand - at least the community you are going to live in, nearby hospitals, schools, post office and police station. These things are important when you move in with your family. Apart from that, the culture, rules and regulations of the society you have relocated to, are also of significance. Knowing these beforehand would prepare you to adhere without much effort. You need respect their customs, so that you don’t hurt or offend their beliefs. Also, understand the design of the new home, so that you get the clear idea about where to place what.

- Make new friends in the neighborhood
It is essential to have friends when you are going to live in a new environment, they lend you a hand in times of need. Make sure you make new friends once you shift to the new home. Setting up your custom home is time consuming but having friends for a chit chat would definitely help you get over the stress. Introduce yourself to your neighbors and let them know that you are yet to move or just moved in. You can share some cookies or some snacks to break the ice and start a conversation, over a cup of tea.

- Ask someone to be with you for sometime
If you are single or staying alone, ask a friend or a family member to stay with you for a while, at least for a week or so. It would help you accommodate yourself with the new place and kill the boredom as well. In case you got to go shopping for some home needs, having a shopping partner would help you in a great way!
- Keep in touch with your family and friends
You won’t feel lonely when you can easily reach out to your family and close friends. Keep your cell phone within reach, and get the telephone and internet connections set up at the earliest. It would help you being in constant touch with your loved ones.

- Get involved with activities in the neighborhood
Every town or community has one or the other festivals and activities once in a while. These are the opportunities to meet and get to know people around your custom home. You make new friends and get to know more about your vicinity as well.
- Stay positive
Never have a preconceived notion about the place or people; try understanding the surroundings and take your time to know people. It would help you get a better idea about everything and let you adjust easily in the long run. Don’t fret or panic about being in a new place. Your new home is a new territory that you are yet to explore. Find a park or gym nearby and plan to exercise, jogging or yoga. It would kill the time and make you healthier. Unpack and settle things gradually and plan your weekends accordingly to have some free time to relax.
In life, change is the only constant. Accepting the changes, shifting and settling in the new environment of a custom home is not that difficult. Understanding the home ‘naksha’ or map would allow you to arrange things properly in the new house and save your time as well.
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